PRESERVE & SHOW // Perdoch / Harb / Weidler / Tepe
The main idea is to preserve and show the functions of the harbour in Gdynia. The harbour is a very important part of the history of Gdynia, which is why the citizens are very proud of it. If there were to be a development of the area, then it has to deal very sensibly with the history of the shipyard. As a consequence the heat plant could be assimilated to a lighthouse.
In the first step it is vital to create accessibility; there has to be a clear circulation for pedestrians, bikes, cars and trucks.
In the second step the "lighthouse" project will develop to create attraction. The building will accommodate exhibitions, workshops, a restaurant and a urban think tank in combination with the chimney viewpoint. A think tank is a kind of a participative process where everybody communicates his idea for the future of Gdynia and the harbour. This will eventually create a mutual vision for the future. In the same step the shipyard will become more visible with some new spaces.
In the last step the lighthouse project has affected the surrounding area, which will have new functions for boarding houses, laps and start ups.
All this steps have the goal to preserve the harbour and to ensure the future. In the same time it will become more accessible for members of the city and integrate itself in the city.