EVOULTION CORE // Aust / Gerszewski / Taillandier
When the creative establishment
provokes activation of the area...
Let the movement begin
How correlations can initiate the project?
After various analysis, we have decided to base the mission of our project on potential
of environments, which composed the area: the harbour and the enterprises and to
combine them with the a third supplement around: the creative society. The purpose
of such joint is ignition of a self-driving propeller of incomes and outcomes: economy,
subvention and the innovation.
The exact ways of development of the zone with such model are unpredictable, but
we can influent them. For this reason, we have organised a flexible space for extemporaneous
adjustments to young establishments.
In context of our strategy for the special economic zone, the heat plant transformation is considerate as the ignition of the development. We have decided to use the potential of heavy structure for new activity. Part of them are workshops and laboratories in the former industrial building. It is a great opportunity to scientists, designers, and students to test, to work and design new technologies and materials.
How does the building operate? The interior offers its space as a combination of: spacious professional halls for exhibition and showroom
Energetic spore
Injection of newest technologies
with sustainable construction; area for scientific researches; private space for individual designers’ workflow; common business rooms; modern offices. We have tried to organize all these spaces by the concept of transparency and mutual observation and cooperation. In example, all laboratories have a view on the testing area.
Finally the building is partially open to the public, as one of its missions is to collaborate with the city. The institution can host passers in modern restaurant with the view on interesting, early XX century production halls. It can invite thousands of visitors to the showrooms areas or more private groups for educational tours around science and design spaces.
Establishment of new district
Urban plan improvement
After renovation of the heat plant, its dynamic outcome will expand to the district. This urban plan describes hypothetic development of investments in the zone. As you can notice, the impact on the zone is not chaotic, it focuses on building new centre of the district around main hub; later on, a new character the main street consolidates.